About Me

As a recent college graduate with few job prospects at the moment, I've struggled to figure out what I'm going to do with myself. But there are a few things I can tell you for certain. I graduated in Classical Studies, which does not mean classical music or classical art, but the study of Latin and Ancient Greek, with a little bit of literature (in the original languages of course!) and culture/history. I want to eventually be a high school Latin teacher, just like the teachers who I had during my high school experiences but I want to take my time getting there because there are so many other things I want to try first!

In fact, I was talking to a friend once about this: there are so many people in the world who have life goals to learn things, travel places, and try new things but they don't seem to do anything about it. Not to boast (just read my posts on Italy, I was so unabashedly excited!) but I have life goals, travel destinations, and activities I've always wanted to try and instead of just making lists I make plans and follow through on them. That's why I've surfed and snowboarded; traveled by greyhound; been through Italy, Paris and London; visited Washington DC; walked along the Great Wall of China; bartered like the best of them in Shanghai's Pearl Market; and hiked to the tops of a few mountains throughout the world. When I have the time, money, and opportunity to do something, I do it! 

This is what my blog is about. I love the opportunities I have, and want to share my experiences. I hope that in some small way it will encourage or inspire others to followthrough and experience amazing things in their own lives! Whether or not you want to share your experiences, go out and check things off your "bucket list"! That's what we make bucket lists for, isn't it?